Travel Information


The conference takes place at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, CA.

Travel to Berkeley

Flying to the Bay Area

Most travelers fly into the following two airports:


Parking in downtown Berkeley

Recommended Hotels

LBNL Shuttle

Most Recommended: there will be special event shuttles servicing the conference from the Downtown area near BART: exact locations and times TBA

Alternative: The LBNL "Blue" shuttle boards every ~10 minutes directly in front of the Jupiter restaurant next to the Downtown Berkeley BART station.   When boarding at this station the shuttle will be labeled "Blue Uphill", i.e. heading up the hill to LBNL, in contrast to the Blue line shuttles traveling from LBNL down the hill to downtown Berkeley that are labeled "Blue Downhill."

Session Rooms

The sessions will take place in two rooms:

The map shows the locations of  the two buildings relative to the shuttle stop, as well as walking paths (red lines) between points of interest.

Building 50 Auditorium

Main room: plenaries, panels, poster blitzes, parallel sessions

Building 59 Room 3101

Second room: parallel sessions, poster sessions, speed mentoring workshop, CV /interviewing workshop, SIAM business meeting